Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bryson's First Day Of School...2nd grade wow

Okay so today was Bryson's first day of second grade. I think that I embarrassed the crap out of him ...ha ha ha. First of all we stood outside and took pictures while all of his friends were passing, and then I followed him to the bus stop to get some more pictures and just when he thought that he had seen the last of me ... ha ha ha I showed up at the school to get a picture of him and his new teacher. I'm such a horrible mom. The first thing he said when he got off the bus was " Mom, what are you doing here" He was so embarrassed it was the greatest. I'm now in the PTA so hes going to see even more of me, lucky him.


Brittanie said...

It looks like you found him some pants then for school? ;)
I can't believe he's in 2nd Grade!!
Does that make you feel OLD? ha ha