Thursday, February 11, 2010

The results are in ...

We found out today that we are having a baby BOY!!! We couldn't be more thrilled. As Bryson came in from school and learned of the news he threw is backpack in the air and yelled WOOOHOOO I get a brother... it was so cute to see his reaction. The name that we are pretty sure about is Boston John Riley. Again we are so excited and can't wait till we can hold the little one in our arms.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Toothless Wonder

Finally Sae's front tooth has come out. It has been hanging there for a week or so and driving me crazy lol it looked so nasty. So finally she let me pull it out. The other one is right behind it. This now starts the awkward stages of front teeth coming in =) its a good thing she's so cute

Jazz Game

For Christmas my parents gave us Jazz tickets. We were lucky enough to go when they were honoring Hot Rod Hundley, It was really cool. We had a blast with my brother and sister-in-law (soon to be) and the best part... is they won =) GO JAZZ!

This is my brother using the binoculars that Annistyn put in my purse for us... haha what a sweetie, I won't tell her they didn't work very well.

Shad and Sami

First Scout Award

This is Bryson getting his first Scout Award, the bobcat. He was so excited. This will be the first of MANY! Congrats Bry.

Bean Museum

Bean Museum

For Annistyn's Joy School we decided it would be fun to take the kids to the Bean Museum at BYU. We scheduled to have a live show done with the reptiles. The guy who did it was AWESOME. He was so animated and fun to watch. The kids loved touching the real lizard, turtle and snake, I just watched from behind...yuck!

Pirate Island Pizza

A few weeks ago we took the kids to Pirate Island Pizza. We had never been there before but the kids had a blast and it was pretty good food too.