Thursday, December 27, 2007


It finally happened!

1. What is his name? John-David Riley

2. How long have you been married? It will be 8 years June 8th 2008 pretty cool.

3. How long did you date? Not very long. We were married 10 months after we met. Pretty fast.
4. Who eats more? Depends on the day and the time. I would have to say mostly John.
5. Who said 'I love you' first? I did. John was too shy and quiet. In fact I don't think we even kissed for a few months after dating lol.
6. Who sings better? For sure John by far. He has an excellent voice. Me on the other hand would make a dog cry.
7. Who is taller? Is this a trick question??? That would be John.
8. Whose temper is worse? Depends on if John is trying to fix something... I would have to say we are both about equal depending on the issue.
9. Who does the laundry? Usually me, unless I am having a " mommy day off" then he does it before I get home. I love it
10. Who does the dishes? Most the time we work together. I will make the meal and he will always help clean it up.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? (Looking at it) John does.
12. Who does the cooking? I do 99.8 percent of the time. We do on occasion have mac and cheese and french toast made by John
13. Who is more stubborn? Ummm Me for sure
14. Who proposed? John. On our favorite bridge. He wrote me a poem and read it to me by the light of the park light ... very romantic.
15. Who is more likely to admit when they are wrong? John is FAR better at that then I am. Like I said I'm more stubborn
16. Whose parents do you see the most? Mine for sure no question about it.
17. Who pays the bills? Well lets see... John brings home ALLL the bacon and then I write out the checks so its a combined effort.
18. Who wears the pants in the family? Me all the way, John cant make a decision to save him lol Love you hun
19. Why do you love your husband? He is the greatest husband and father anyone could ask for. He is always very very caring and loving. He is truly my best friend. He is always playing with his kids and trying to make things fun. He is always concerned about us and wants whats best for us. He is the most selfless person I know. He is always trying to please everyone and trying to make everyone happy. He is a hard worker and fun to be around. He has the greatest personality and can always make me laugh. I love you John.

I would like to tag my sister in law Kristyn Crow and whoever in the riley files.

Tag !!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Nativity


Christmas Eve was a very weird day for us. We ended up spending most of the day with Grandma at the hospital. She is doing much better but is still unable to come home. We sang songs together and ate my homemade chicken noodle soup with fresh homemade rolls, it was yummy. After leaving Grandma we headed to Eric and Leeanna Millgates house to act out "The Nativity" She made all the costumes and back drops with the music and all. It was awesome. Although it was a weird day we have a very fun time.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Riley Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Dynasty

John's celeb look- alikes LOL

My Celebrity look-alikes

Riley Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Riley Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Celebrity Collage - Genelogy

Getting Ready For Santa

December 23, 2007
The kids are so excited for Santa to come.
Anni and Saedree were walking around the house singing
Jingle Bells. It was so cute. Later that day I caught Bryson
reading a Christmas story to Saedree, it was so fun to see them actually getting along. LOL . More pictures of Christmas to come.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Here are some Christmas photos
I tried to get pics of all three kids together but
Annistyn doesn't like to sit by her siblings and she doesn't like to have her picture taken. So if I do get one of her its usually with her eyes closed or shes on the run. What great kids though. I love them to death.

During the holiday season lets try to remember
the real reason we celebrate, and lets try not to get too caught up in the commercial Christmas.
May the Savior's light shine within each of us is our prayer.

Merry Christmas

December 2007
Wow what a month already. We have spend most of our days
at the hospital with Grandma Stevens. She had open heart on the 28th
of November and is still in the ICU now. She is doing much better but we are still at the hospital almost everyday. Here are some pictures of the kids while we are in the waiting room, they had a great time coloring and doing puzzles.

We are looking forward to Christmas and the festivities. The kids are way
excited to have Santa come. They have both asked for Leapsters so we
will see what happens.
We want to send our love to all of you, and want to wish you a very
Merry Christmas